Arhiviranje strežnika z Megatools in Mega / CentOS 7

Večina nas pozna spletno storitev za hranjenje podatkov Dropbox. Za vsakodnevno uporabo je več kot uporaben in se ga da odlično integrirati z vašim računalnikom. Slabost pa je, da nudi samo 2 giga kapacitete. Včasih je to dovolj, včasih ne. Ko so vaše potrebe večje, pa lahko paket nadgradite na 1T kapacitete za $9,99 mesečno. Seveda pa obstajajo tudiContinue reading “Arhiviranje strežnika z Megatools in Mega / CentOS 7”

Simple FTP file transfer from command line (wget)

Sometimes you have a lot of files to transfer and no rsync, only FTP. You don’t want to sit in front of the computer and waiting for files to transfer. If you have access to command line, there is a simple solution on how to transfer all your files through FTP with wget. Once transfer is started youContinue reading “Simple FTP file transfer from command line (wget)”