Creating WordPress gallery with iOS or Android app

I have love/hate relationship with WordPress. It is great blog platform and I’m using it for years now. Never had a problem with it. Mainly because I’m making shure that everything is updated to its latest version. Every new version also brings a great new features. I will keep using it for this blog in the future also. ButContinue reading “Creating WordPress gallery with iOS or Android app”

Hrepenenje po zdravi prehrani

Ko stojiš v tisti večni vrsti, v družbi ostalih sotrpinov, živali , se v svojem rahlem deliriju vprašaš ali je tu morda zgrešen koncept “fast food”. Skozi okno z polnimi ustami sline opazuješ ogromne kupe sveže narezane zelenjave, ki izgledajo kot rajske oaze sredi oceanov omak. V zraku zaznavaš vonj pečenem mesu, ki tvojo sloContinue reading “Hrepenenje po zdravi prehrani”