Že kar nekaj časa imam račun na Google+. Zrihtal mi ga je prijatelj, ki je odkril “leak” kako poslati vabila. Takoj sem bil navdušen. Video konference, super ideja z krogi, pregleden design, ni prekomerno tečnih reklam, sparks … Všeč mi je postal na prvi pogled. Takoj sem pomislil, da sedaj bo pa moj Facebook resContinue reading “Kako inštalirati Google+ aplikacijo na Android”
Category Archives: École
Icinga: idomod.o’ is using an old or unspecified version of the event broker API
So, a few days ago I decided to give it a try to new icinga web interface. Before new icinga web interface I had classic cgi one. I installed it on FreeBSD 8.2 and used icinga version 1.4.0, icinga-web 1.4.0. I followed all the steps and installed Icinga with IDOUtils. I configure it and compileContinue reading “Icinga: idomod.o’ is using an old or unspecified version of the event broker API”
Adding hosts to Icinga
First of all, what is Icinga? They say that Icinga is an enterprise grade open source monitoring system which keeps watch over networks and any conceivable network resource, notifies the user of errors and recoveries and generates performance data for reporting. Scalable and extensible, Icinga can monitor complex, large environments across dispersed locations. Icinga isContinue reading “Adding hosts to Icinga”
Remove system banner on Ubuntu 10.10 server
A few days ago I tried to remove system banner that new Ubuntu is displaying on login. System banner looks something like this: Linux linux-monitor 2.6.35-22-server #33-Ubuntu SMP Sun Sep 19 20:48:58 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux Ubuntu 10.10 Welcome to the Ubuntu Server! Documentation: http://www.ubuntu.com/server/doc No mather what I tried, motd was always updated. FirstContinue reading “Remove system banner on Ubuntu 10.10 server”
Zastonj lightbox ali naredimo belo ozadje
Kot sem obljubil sem naredil navodila kako si lahko naredite svoj zastonj fotografski lightbox. Da malo obnovimo. Ta članek se bolj ali manj nanaša na stock fotografijo, kjer velikokrat želimo doseči popolnoma belo ozadje. V večini primerov, ko fotografiramo predmete, ki jih želimo izolirati od okolice oziroma dinamičnega ozadja in poudariti samo predmet zanimanja. LahkoContinue reading “Zastonj lightbox ali naredimo belo ozadje”