Ok, this post is in my draft section for to long lol. A while ago I needed to share some files from my home backup server to my friend. I didn’t have FTP server installed. I could give him SFTP access, but I didn’t want to give him access to my entire server. So I needed aContinue reading “SFTP chroot with OpenSSH”
Category Archives: École
Fatal error: Class ‘WP_Theme’ not found in …. template-loader.php …
So, you just downloaded new WordPress and replaced old wp-admin and wp-includes directories with the new ones. If you get this error: Fatal error: Call to undefined function get_front_page_template() in /home/you/public_html/wp-includes/template-loader.php on line 26 and/or this one: Fatal error: Class ‘WP_Theme’ not found in /home/you/public_html/wp-includes/theme.php on line 106 Well, then your solution is probably this:Continue reading “Fatal error: Class ‘WP_Theme’ not found in …. template-loader.php …”
Servisno stojalo za kolo
Prigoniš domov, kolo umazano do skrajnosti, treba bo tudi očistiti menjalnik in ga na novo namazati. Pričneš z delom a se vse maje, kolo stalno bega levo in desno. Prisloniš ga na zid a se stalno premika, pade … Rabim stojalo! Tisto s katerim kolo lepo pripneš in to lepo visi, stabilno, nič premikanja inContinue reading “Servisno stojalo za kolo”
Nalaganje fotografij na stock agencije s storitvijo LightBurner
Eden najlepših občutkov mi je prav zagotovo ta, ko odkrijem kakšno zares uporabno zastonj zadevo. Se še spomnite, ko sem pisal o programu za enostavno nalaganje vaših stock fotografij na več agencij hkrati? Seveda se! Sebi vem, da sem delo konkretno olajšal, saj je nalaganje slik na agencije lahko kar utrujajoče. Še posebej, ko sodeluješContinue reading “Nalaganje fotografij na stock agencije s storitvijo LightBurner”
How to transfer SSL certificate from Linux to Windows
A while ago I registered Rapid SSL certificate. I forgot to check what OS was this machine running on. In most cases I was registering certificates for Linux/UNIX machines, so why to do otherwise :). So I payed for certificate, get my csr and all and then tried to ssh to machine to install it.Continue reading “How to transfer SSL certificate from Linux to Windows”