Directadmin – enable and configure Spamassassin automatically when adding user

By default, when you add new user in Directadmin, Spamassassin is disabled. Some users may not know about Spamassassin, so they’ll have it disabled and will receiving a lot of spam. So it may be good practice to enable Spamassassin by default. You can do that by adding below code in your /usr/local/directadmin/scripts/custom/ script. The first step is well described on Directadmin sites. But you may also want to define some parameters for Spamassassin “on the fly”. You can do that by manipulating filter.conf file.

In this example I want that on user creation:

  1. spam goes to appropriate users spam folder,
  2. I don’t want to delete high scoring spam,
  3. I want to rewrite subject of spam email with *****SPAM*****.

Just add below code in your script. And remove script comments (##).

## We enable Spamassassin, create needed files and give them appropriate permissions
if [ “$spam” = “ON” ]; then
mkdir $DIR
touch $DIR/user_prefs
chown ${username}:mail $DIR
chmod 771 $DIR
chown $username:$username $DIR/user_prefs
chmod 755 $DIR/user_prefs
touch $DIR/spam
chown mail:$username $DIR/spam
chmod 660 $DIR/spam

## Here we define some variables for Spamassassin by adding some lines to filter.conf
echo “high_score=15” >> /etc/virtual/$domain/filter.conf
echo “high_score_block=no” >> /etc/virtual/$domain/filter.conf
echo “where=userspamfolder” >> /etc/virtual/$domain/filter.conf
echo “rewrite_header subject *****SPAM*****” >> /home/$username/.spamassassin/user_prefs

## Adding operation in task queue
echo “action=rewrite&value=filter&user=$username” >> /usr/local/directadmin/data/task.queue
exit 0;

Than when adding new user you can check if everything is configured at it needs to be in Directadmin user control panel, Spamassassin section.

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